10 powerful prayers to remove the spirit of anger and resentment

10 powerful prayers to remove the spirit of anger and resentment

It is natural for humans to be filled with anger and bitterness. As a Christian, do not allow hostile forces to be around you, as you are required to spread good values only. If you feel you are filled with hate, fear, and negativities, pray to God to remove them. Kneel down and make prayers to remove the spirit of anger and resentment.

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Be a Christian with positivity. Do not allow dark forces to thrive in you. By keeping the dark energies away, you stay free from evil. Always ask God to be your guide in everything you do. Pray every day and read scriptures on deliverance from anger for your good. Be the Christian everyone admires and be proud to be Godโ€™s vessel.

Prayers for anger and patience as you fast

Fasting is one of the best ways of getting Godโ€™s attention. When you fast, you commit to the prayer you are making and can focus on your faith. While praying for yourself, you may be filled with unidentified vexation.

Your intentions to pray may be pure, but your grievance for others and life, in general, maybe a stumbling block to your connection with God. Pray to get rid of anger and release the spirit of fury as you fast.

Oh, Lord, you have taught us that anger can well up inside us, turn our thoughts from You and channel them into destructive, sinful urges that mislead us. I do not want to be an enraged believer when fasting and praying. My sweet father, may you give me the spirit of joy and happiness. Lead away the energy of anger, fear, and hatred. Get me to be a happy fasting Christian. Control my thoughts and feelings. Oh Lord, Guide me as I fast and pray, that my heart may be filled with cheer, and that my anger may not steer me away from you. I pray this, trusting in your name. Amen.

All-powerful God. You are the God almighty. You are the creator and protector of your people. I am on a fasting journey, but my heart is filled with so much anger and resentment. My dear father, I am praying and asking you to watch over me. Rid of the spirit of irritation in me. Give me joy and cheer, for I want to be like your other children. Oh, my father, I am praying that you may answer all my prayers as I fast. I know you answer in your own time, and I believe you will never tire from listening to me, your child. Thank you almighty for always being with me. Thank you for listening to my prayer and for responding positively every time. Amen.

You are the creator of heaven and earth, and you know each of your creatures inside out. Ever living father, I present myself to you this morning, confessing that I have been filled with the spirit of anger and resentment. Jehovah, my father, I am not proud of myself, as my rage has led me to commit more sins. I do not trust myself when around people, and I always end up disappointing you. This day my father, I have decided to fast and pray for my anger. I am rebuking the spirit of anger in me. Remove the powers that lead me to resent others, oh God. Eliminate the energies that make me resent life, my father. You gave me life, and you gave me a purpose. Help me fulfil my purpose on earth, without dark forces conspiring against me. Amen.

Jehovah Jireh, the father of all nations. It is me again, your child, coming to you asking for forgiveness. You have been nothing but good, oh my father. You have given me all I wanted, and shown me the way when I felt lost. This is another of those moments my God. I feel lost. Oh father, as I am fasting, I ask you to cast out the resentment and anger building up in me. The past few months have been challenging, and I am finding myself bitter and full of anger. Oh my God, I do t want to be angry anymore. I want to be cheerful, and to be contented with the life I live.

Short prayer for anger when looking for work

Looking for work may be challenging because of the competitive job market. Donโ€™t be too angry to pray. As you move from one company to another and from one interview to the next, ask God to eliminate any bitterness and resentment in you. The anger you possess may be the only thing stopping you from getting that dream job.

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Everlasting God, your peace exceeds all my understanding. You have been nothing but gracious to me even when I let you down. All-knowing God, I am coming to you today, begging you to remove the anger that I possess. I am looking for work, and I do not want to walk with resentment in me. Oh my lord, show me the grace you have always shown me. Please give me the wisdom I need as I walk from one company to the next. Enable me to take the criticism I get well, and to appreciate any company that welcomes me. Remove any outrage in me and the spirit of any evil I may be walking with. Thank you God for hearing me. Amen.

Oh my God, thank you for the life that I am living. Today is another great day to give thanks and praise to you. My father, my Lord, I am a living testimony that with faith, everything works. Jehovah, father, I come to you this day, praying for my career. I am looking for a job to sustain myself. Oh my God, I ask you to show me how to always be positive. When anger rises within me, please calm my mind and pacify my heart with your tender words. Fill my whole life with your perfect peace. As I go from one company to the next, give me the wisdom to not be angry at those that reject me. Amen.

Itโ€™s me again, oh Lord, frustrated by what life is giving me. I have been unemployed, oh God, and I am looking for work. As I present my papers to every organization, may you be with me in every step. Oh Lord my anger is my weakness. My resentment is stopping me from moving forward. Today as I pray for my career, I am asking you, my father, to come and live with me. Send down the Holy Spirit so I can overcome anger. May I reflect your character, and live righteously as you command. May I be a role model to others, and live a fulfilling life with zero anger and resentment. Amen.

Prayers to remove the spirit of anger

If you love and care about your family, remember to pray for them. Put their needs forward and pray for any negative thoughts they may have. Ask God to live in them and rebuke any anger and resentment they may have. Here is how to destroy the spirit of anger in your family.

Oh my father, you have taught us to be slow to anger. You have shown us that one can be rich in love. Today my Lord, I kneel down praying for my family. Thank you for the people in my life, and the roles they play. Today Oh God, I am praying that they may live expressing love only. That they may know no hatred. That they may only be filled with love, and patience. I am rebuking any spirit of anger in my family. May they live in peace so we can enjoy the good life you have given us. Amen.

Today my Lord, I present to you, my family. I am praying for my partner and my children. Good Lord, I am asking that you may make my partner less irate. May they know that living in anger is living in vain. May they know that being disgruntled helps no one. I offer my children to your altar, oh Lord. Protect them from any negative energies around. Show them the light, and help me raise them in a way that will please you. Sweet Jesus, bless my family, watch over them, and live in their hearts. I worship you and praise your name, oh Lord. Thank you for hearing my prayer. Amen.

Ever-living father, you have been an excellent father to my family and me. You have provided everything we need, and you continue to show us love. This morning my God, as we step out, I pray that you may cover my family with your blood. As we go out to interact with others, I ask God that you may remove the spirit of resentment in us. Show us good values, and let us live according to your word. May we be angry no more, may we be furious not, but embrace everyone we work with. Thank you father, for my beautiful family. Thank you for being my protector, and for being a good provider. Amen.

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As a good Christian who prays every day, remember that prayers work. Whatever you confess, you possess. As you praise and worship God, remember to offer prayers to remove the spirit of anger and resentment in you and your people. Pray that all the dark energies may fall and that you may thrive as God intended.

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