The story of Krystaal is an incredible one – a band of three brothers – Michel, Fabian and Aliston Lwamba – surviving murderous persecution in their homeland of Congo (formerly Zaire), separated during a flight for survival, and reunited halfway around the world in Canada.
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Wastahili wewe Bwana
Wastahili wewe Bwana
Wastahili wewe Bwana
Kupokea utukufu
(Mwambie na moyo wako wote)
Wastahili wewe Bwana
Wastahili wewe Bwana
Wastahili wewe Bwana
Kupokea utukufu
Listen to “Krystaal Music – Wastahili Wewe Bwana” below;
AUDIO Krystaal Music – Wastahili Wewe Bwana MP3 DOWNLOAD
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