Social media platforms WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram are facing a worldwide outage, according to Downdetector, which offers real-time status and outage information for all kinds of services.
Downdetector showed that WhatsApp outage was reported at 6:23 pm and it shot up to 17,659 complaints by 7:06 pm.
The website mentioned that the Instagram outage was reported first at 5:59 pm, while Facebook went down almost around the same time.
WhatsApp had last went down in March and was restored hours later, however, the reason for the outage was not officially announced by the company. Photo-sharing app Instagram had also gone down earlier this month and was stored after hours.
Reuters could not immediately confirm the issue affecting the services. However, the error message on Facebook’s webpage suggested a Domain Name System (DNS) error.
DNS allows web addresses to take users to their destinations. A similar outage at cloud company Akamai Technologies Inc took down multiple websites in July.
Facebook shares fell 5.5% in afternoon trading on Monday, inching towards its worst day in nearly a year.
Meanwhile, the social-media giant’s instant messaging platform WhatsApp was also down for over 35,000 users, while Messenger was down for nearly 9,800 users.
Facebook has experienced similar widespread outages with its suite of apps this year in March and July.