“Yitayo” is a captivating collaboration between Chozen Blood and Winnie Nwagi, blending their unique musical styles into a harmonious track that resonates with fans of Ugandan music. This song showcases the chemistry between the two artists, with Chozen Blood’s smooth vocals complementing Winnie Nwagi’s powerful delivery. The collaboration has been well-received, evident from its availability on various music platforms where fans can listen to and download the track.
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Ugandan recording artist, Chozen Blood is back with another stunning banger titled Yitayo, featuring Swangz Avenue’s female dance hall artist, Winnie Nwagi.
listen to “Chozen Blood – Yitayo Ft Winnie Nwagi ” below
AUDIO Chozen Blood – Yitayo Ft Winnie Nwagi MP3 DOWNLOAD
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