Shatta Bongo, a renowned African underground producer, sound engineer, and music artist known for his work with both emerging talents and superstars, has released a new music track titled “Area Is Chilling.” Enjoy!
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“Area Is Chilling” by Shatta Bongo is a song that captures the laid-back and serene atmosphere of a locality where everyone is relaxed and enjoying the moment. The track is available for streaming and downloading, and offers a soothing vibe through its melody and lyrics, emphasizing a sense of community and contentment with one’s surroundings. Released in 2024, this song uses the Afro-Vernacular style to connect culturally and sonically with its audience, effectively conveying a message of peace and leisure.
listen to ” Shatta Bongo – Area Is Chilling” below
AUDIO Shatta Bongo – Area Is Chilling MP3 DOWNLOAD
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