Dogo Charlie’s “Woman Parody,” featuring Otile Brown and Harmonize, is a humorous reinterpretation of the original song “Woman.” The parody is produced by Jay-R On The Keyz, who is known for his ability to create engaging beats that complement Dogo Charlie’s comedic lyrics.
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The original song “Woman” by Otile Brown and Harmonize is produced by Ihaji MadeIt and is well-known for its smooth blend of Afrobeat and Bongo Flava, celebrating the allure and grace of women. Dogo Charlie’s version retains the catchy and rhythmic essence of the original, ensuring that listeners can enjoy a good laugh while appreciating the familiar tune.
Listen to, “Dogo Charlie – Otile Brown Ft Harmonize Woman Parody” below;
AUDIO Dogo Charlie – Otile Brown Ft Harmonize Woman Parody MP3 DOWNLOAD
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