Walmart CEO Net Worth: The Executive’s Retail Riches

Walmart CEO Net Worth

Doug McMillon, the esteemed CEO of Walmart, stands as a titan in the retail industry, boasting a net worth of $300 million. Under his leadership, Walmart has seen remarkable growth and innovation, making McMillon a central figure in the narrative of modern retail success.

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Who is Walmart CEO?

Doug McMillon, an American businessman, has been at the helm of Walmart as its President and CEO since 2014. With a career that spans decades within the company, McMillon has propelled Walmart to new heights, cementing its status as a retail juggernaut.

Early Life

Born on October 17, 1966, in Memphis, Tennessee, Doug McMillon was raised in a nurturing environment that eventually led him to the University of Arkansas and later, the University of Tulsa, where he earned his MBA. This educational journey laid the groundwork for his future in retail leadership.

Personal Life

Doug McMillon shares his life with his wife, Shelley, and their two sons, Blake and Spencer. Beyond his corporate achievements, McMillon is a born-again Christian, and he resides on a sprawling 41-acre estate in Bentonville, Arkansas, showcasing his success both professionally and personally.


McMillon’s career at Walmart began in his teenage years, loading trucks in a distribution center. His journey through the ranks is a testament to his dedication, leading him from a summer associate to the CEO’s office, showcasing a lifetime commitment to the company.

Walmart CEO Net worth

Doug McMillon’s impressive net worth stands at $300 million, a figure that reflects his successful tenure at Walmart. His annual salary of $22 million, along with substantial stock options and previous sales of Walmart shares, contribute to his financial standing.


Doug McMillon’s journey from a young associate to the CEO of the world’s largest retailer is a story of ambition, perseverance, and success. With a net worth of $300 million, McMillon not only exemplifies retail leadership but also stands as a beacon of financial acumen in the business world.

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FAQs about Walmart CEO
  1. What is Doug McMillon’s net worth?
    • Doug McMillon’s net worth is estimated at $300 million.
  2. How did Doug McMillon start his career at Walmart?
    • Doug McMillon began his career at Walmart as a summer associate, unloading trucks at a distribution center.
  3. What is Doug McMillon’s annual salary?
    • Doug McMillon’s annual salary is $22 million, with the potential to earn more through stock options.
  4. Where does Doug McMillon live?
    • Doug McMillon resides in Bentonville, Arkansas, on a 41-acre estate.
  5. What has been a key focus of McMillon’s leadership at Walmart?
    • Under McMillon’s leadership, Walmart has emphasized e-commerce growth, sustainability, and employee welfare, alongside pushing for a more inclusive and politically conscious corporate stance.

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