Mrisho Mpoto, renowned as Africa’s foremost Slam Poet and currently ranked third globally, has recently dropped a new track titled “Maisha Ni Hadithi.”
RELATED: Mrisho Mpoto – Shujaa Umekwenda
In “Mrisho Mpoto – Maisha Ni Hadithi,” listeners are treated to a compelling narrative through music. Mrisho Mpoto, recognized as Africa’s premier Slam Poet, showcases his lyrical prowess and storytelling abilities in this captivating track. The title, “Maisha Ni Hadithi,” translates to “Life is a Story” in English, hinting at the depth and introspection present in the song’s lyrics.
Listen to, “Mrisho Mpoto – Maisha Ni Hadithi” below;
AUDIO Mrisho Mpoto – Maisha Ni Hadithi MP3 DOWNLOAD
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