Cyrus Koech, a renowned artist deeply connected to the enchanting landscapes of Bomet County in Kenya’s picturesque Rift Valley region, has recently unveiled his latest musical masterpiece, a self-titled track titled “Chomnyet.”
RELATED: Cyrus Koech – Cyrus Koech
At its heart, “Chomnyet” is more than just a song; it’s a fusion of tradition and modernity that celebrates the spirit of Kenya. Koech’s soulful vocals and evocative lyrics blend seamlessly with DJ Shalom’s contemporary production, resulting in a musical experience that’s both deeply rooted and energetically current.
Listen to, “Cyrus Koech – Chomnyet Ft DJ Shalom” below;
AUDIO Cyrus Koech – Chomnyet Ft DJ Shalom MP3 DOWNLOAD
Also, check out more songs from Cyrus Koech;