Who is Jenny Popach? Everything You Need To Know

Jenny Popach

Roselie Arritola, affectionately known to the digital world as Jenny Popach, is a name that resonates far beyond the confines of TikTok, her initial playground. Born on November 15, 2006, in Miami, Florida, this American content creator has woven her charm into the fabric of social media, captivating audiences with her dance moves, beauty tutorials, and an infectious energy that transcends the screen.

Who is Jenny Popach?

Jenny Popach is not just a moniker; it’s a brand synonymous with vibrancy, talent, and a knack for engaging content. Roselie’s persona embodies the spirit of a generation that finds resonance in authenticity and relatability. Her Hispanic heritage adds a rich layer to her identity, offering a glimpse into a culture celebrated for its warmth and vivacity.

How Old is Jenny Popach?

As of 2024, Jenny Popach stands at the cusp of her 20s, being 19 years old. Her Scorpio zodiac sign hints at the depth and intensity she brings to her work, traits that have undoubtedly contributed to her success.

Early Life and Educational Background

Rooted in Miami, Florida, Jenny’s early life was framed by the support of her family, including her mother Maria Ulacia and her siblings. This supportive backdrop has been crucial in shaping her journey, providing a stable foundation for her to explore and express her talents.


Jenny’s career trajectory is a testament to the power of digital platforms in catapulting talents into the limelight. From her initial TikTok dances to the diversified content on YouTube, she has adeptly navigated the social media landscape, evolving with every post and video. Her collaborations with other influencers further exemplify her adaptability and willingness to explore new territories.

What is Jenny Popach Famous For?

Jenny Popach’s fame can be attributed to her dynamic presence on TikTok, where she first garnered attention. Her dance videos, challenges, and tutorials reflect a versatility that resonates with a wide audience. Her journey is a narrative of growth, from a TikTok enthusiast to a social media influencer with a substantial presence on YouTube as well.

How Did Jenny Popach Get Famous?

Her ascent to fame was fueled by her consistent delivery of engaging content on TikTok. The platform served as the launching pad for her expansive career, allowing her to showcase her talents to a global audience.

What is Jenny Popach’s TikTok Name?

On TikTok, she operates under the username “jenny Popach,” a name that has become synonymous with entertaining and compelling content across the social media spectrum.

Controversies & Scandals

Jenny’s career, however, has not been without its challenges. In June 2020, she found herself at the center of a controversy involving an unauthorized entry into the Hype House, leading to widespread criticism. This incident highlighted the complexities of social media fame and the repercussions of actions in the digital age.

Jenny Popach Net Worth

Over her six-year career, Jenny Popach has managed to amass an estimated net worth of $600,000, a testament to her influence and the monetization potential of social media platforms.


Jenny Popach’s journey is symbolic of the modern digital creator’s path – marked by rapid growth, challenges, and the ability to resonate with a diverse audience. Her story is not just one of fame but of perseverance, adaptability, and the unyielding pursuit of passion.

FAQs about Jenny Popach
  1. What makes Jenny Popach stand out on social media?
    • Her ability to authentically connect with her audience through a mix of dance, beauty tutorials, and personal content.
  2. Has Jenny Popach faced any controversies?
    • Yes, notably her involvement in a controversial visit to the Hype House in 2020.
  3. What platforms does Jenny Popach use?
    • She is active on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, among others.
  4. What is Jenny Popach’s background?
    • She hails from Miami, Florida, with a Hispanic heritage, and has grown up in a supportive family environment.
  5. How does Jenny Popach collaborate with other influencers?
    • Through joint content creation and engaging in challenges that highlight their collective creativity and reach.

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