“Vimbada” is a vibrant and energetic gospel track by Kenyan artists Moji Shortbabaa and Jabidii, released in 2018. This song has garnered attention for its lively beat and positive message, making it a hit within the gospel music scene in Kenya. The term “vimbada” translates to “mad energy” in slang, suggesting the song is about dancing with fervor and joy, akin to the biblical figure David’s exuberant dancing.
RELATED: Moji ShortBabaa – Keep Hope Alive (Prod. Saint P)
The collaboration between Moji Shortbabaa and Jabidii is noteworthy as it brings together two renowned figures in the Kenyan gospel music industry, adding to the track’s appeal with their unique styles and lyrical delivery
Listen to, “Moji Shortbabaa Ft Jabidii – Vimbada” below;
AUDIO Moji Shortbabaa Ft Jabidii – Vimbada MP3 DOWNLOAD
Also check more tracks from Moji ShortBabaa & Guardian Angel;