Nandy, a proficient actress, singer, and songwriter with roots in the Pare community, originates from the enchanting city of Moshi nestled in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. Her recent release, titled “Kongoro,” Enjoy!
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“Nandy’s song Kongoro is a track from her debut studio album The African Princess, released on November 9, 2018. The album, which showcases Nandy’s versatility and the richness of Bongo Flava, has been well-received and highlights various aspects of love and personal growth. Kongoro itself delves into the complexities of relationships, exploring themes of communication breakdown and the emotional turmoil that arises from feeling misunderstood or disregarded by a partner.
listen to “Nandy – Kongoro ” below
AUDIO Nandy – Kongoro MP3 DOWNLOAD
Also, check more tracks from Nandy;